Mince Pies with Orange Pastry


I absolutely love mince pies, but they are certainly a huge no, no when following a keto or low-carb diet.  It's been a challenge to create mincemeat without dried fruit and sugar, so I've played around with several recipes and eventually settled on this one.  At just less than 4 carbs per pie, these mince pies are certainly going to satisfy that desire for crispy, sweet, shortcrust pastry and Christmas-spiced fruit filling.

Ingredients - for 12 Mince Pies

For the Sweet Pastry - this makes 12 pies

  • 100g          Almond Flour
  • 30g            Coconut Flour
  • 1/2 tsp       Xanthan Gum
  • 1/2 tsp       Baking Powder
  • 2 tsp          Cider Vinegar
  • 90g            Cold Butter (1cm cubes)
  • 1 medium  Egg
  • 1 tblsp        Skinny Syrup Sweetener - Plain or Vanilla
  • 1 small      Orange (finely grated zest only) - If desired

For the mincemeat - this makes enough mincemeat for 24 pies

  • 300g          Zucchini (peeled and cut into 1/2cm cubes
  • 100g          Blackberries (defrosted or fresh)
  • 100g          Strawberries
  • 6 tblsp       Skinny Food Company Mince Pie Syrup
  • 2 tblsp       Absolut Cherry Vodka
  • 1/4 tsp       Cinnamon (ground)
  • 1/4 tsp       Nutmeg (grated)
  • 1/4 tsp       Ginger (ground)
  • 1/8 tsp       Ground Cloves
  • 1/8 tsp       Ground Cardamom Seeds
  • 1.5 tblsp    Chia Seeds
  • 4 tblsp       Brandy - if desired

For the Sweet Pastry
  • Pulse the flours, xanthan gum, and baking powder in a food processor to thoroughly mix
  • Add the orange zest, if using, and pulse again to mix through the flours
  • Add the butter and pulse again until the mixture resembles large breadcrumbs
  • Add the cider vinegar, egg and skinny syrup sweetener and pulse again until the dough starts to form.  Do not overwork the dough
  • Turn the dough pieces onto a large square of cling-film and press it together to look like a ball of pastry.  Wrap tightly with the cling-film and place into the fridge for at least 3 hours to chill (overnight is better - and it can be kept in the fridge for 2 days before use, or frozen, until required)
  • When required, always keep the dough very cold.  If making individual pies, cut 1/3 from the dough and reserve it (wrapped in cling-film, in the fridge) for the lids.  Roll your 2/3 pie dough out between two sheets of greaseproof paper with a very light sprinkling of coconut flour
  • Dip your pastry cutter in coconut flour to press out the discs you require.  If the pastry becomes warm and starts to stick, return it to the fridge to chill again for 15-20 mins, on a metal tray, to avoid moving or spoiling your already cut discs
  • Lift the cold discs off the greaseproof paper with a flat icing spatula and gently tap them into your individual bun trays
  • Return these to the fridge to keep cool whilst your roll and cut-out your pie lids (stars or discs)
  • When ready, fill the pies with your favourite filling (cold fillings only) and put the lids on top, pressing the edges very gently to seal
  • Bake in the centre of the oven at 170*C for 20-25 minutes, watching carefully that they do not brown too quickly (as almond flour browns much more rapidly than regular wheat flour)
  • Once baked, leave in the trays to cool slightly before removing to cool them fully on a wire rack.  The pastry with crisp more as they cool.
  • Lightly dust with a keto-icing-sugar (if desired)
For the Mincemeat
  • Wash, peel, top and tail the zucchini.  Slice and chop into 1/2 cm cube pieces
  • Chop the strawberries roughly into 1cm cube pieces
  • Place the zucchini, strawberries and blackberries into a heavy-bottomed pan and put on a low heat until simmering in their own juices
  • Stir regularly, whilst simmering, until the zucchini softens and the red fruits break down (about 10 minutes)
  • Add the mince pie syrup, the vodka and stir through.  Taste for sweetness.
  • Add half of each of the spices and taste again.  If required, add more of the spices until you have the taste you prefer
  • When you are happy with the taste, add the chia seeds, stir well for another minute and then take the mincemeat off the heat and allow to cool
  • Stir the brandy through the mincemeat mix, once cool, for maximum effect, if desired.
  • Fill your pastry pie cases and bake according to your pastry recipe
  • Keep in a sterilised kilner jar in the fridge
Serve with a sprinkling of keto-icing-sugar or a huge dollop of double cream whipped with your favourite brandy.  Enjoy!

I would always make my pastry the day before I want to use it, so it's had time to rest and chill in the fridge.  It would be a good idea to make the mincemeat ahead of time too, so that you can use it chilled from the fridge.

Keep the mince pies in the fridge (for up to a week) - they last longer and the pastry doesn't soften as much.